downtown core at night with lit signs

As digital marketing has gained increasing popularity, traditional marketing techniques seem like they’re ancient artifacts of the old world. However, both types of marketing techniques are still necessary in a business’s marketing efforts, and in many cases, these forms can complement each other.

In this article, we will cover the ways in which you can harmoniously blend these two vastly different marketing strategies into one.

Diversifying Your Marketing Strategy

While the internet has brought us a wealth of opportunities when it comes to marketing our products and services, there are still certain situations where traditional media is still the best option. For example, how many people over the age of 70 do you think are surfing Instagram?

The key is to create a strong online presence and promote what you offer through digital channels while still using traditional methods like printed media to reach a wider variety of audiences. The main purpose for this is that it allows you to reach those who are unreachable with digital efforts. While many are using the internet and social media these days, older audiences and digitally disconnected individuals remain more engaged and responsive to traditional marketing techniques. You can reach both younger and older generations at the same time through marketing diversification.

In short, digital and traditional marketing methods play a role in your business’s profitability. By combining the two, you can create a more diverse and adaptable marketing strategy.

Up next are some ways you can use traditional marketing strategies that complement your existing digital ones.

Online Articles & Print Magazines

You may have noticed that many magazines were once only in print, but now they’re readily available online. You can adopt a similar strategy, but in reverse – putting the online articles you have in magazine format.

Or, if you don’t plan to create your own magazine, you can instead put your ads in existing publications. Most magazines contain pages upon pages of sponsored content, and by placing your ad among them, you receive the benefits of being featured in an

online version and print version of a magazine. Then, when consumers buy the magazine and read it, they’ll see your business information. This is a true blend of digital and traditional marketing.

TV Ads & Video Ads

If you’re already running video ads through digital channels such as YouTube, you can start to alter your approach to include television ads as well. Many consumers still have cable TV – in fact, according to statistics, 55% of adults between the ages of 47 and 67 still use it. If your product or service is applicable to a more general audience, you may find success in this form. A larger example of successful TV ads is the Superbowl. While these ads are very expensive to run, they generate millions of dollars in profit and brand recognition through them.

Radio Marketing & Streaming

Steaming is the new radio these days, but that doesn’t mean radio isn’t still popular. Many prefer using the radio, especially during commutes or road trips. For this reason, you should consider the benefits of scheduling regular advertisements on popular channels, or on podcasts with streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.


The differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing are immense, however, now you can see the utilization of both in the modern era. While each may not work well for every business, determining the potential return on your investment (ROI) is key to selecting the right one for you and your business.

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